Union Railways Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal today announced hike in Railway fare for Passengers. Adding further he said there would not be any further hike in the Railway Budget 2013. Indian Railways has increased the fare to keep up with the safety and cleanliness.
This is the first railway fare hike in ten years. The last across-the-board hike had happened at the start of the millennium, when Nitish Kumar held the charge.
Railway Fare Increase Summary:
- Second class ordinary suburban fares up by 2 paise per km
- Second class ordinary non-suburban fares up by 2 paise per km
- Second class mail express – 4 paise per km
- Sleeper class – 6 paise per km
- AC chair car – 10 paise per km
- AC 3 tier – 10 paise per km
- AC 2 tier – 15 paise per km in last budget+ 6 paise per km now
- AC first class – 30 paise per km in last budget + 10 paise per km now
Fare hike effective from midnight of January 21, 2013
In the last railway budget, government hiked the fares only to roll them back, except for AC-1 and II passengers.
Below is the infographic showing impact of Fare hike on different routes
This congress government is not going to come back in next election. Price hike everywhere!!!!!!!!!
Yes inflation has been a big concern for Govt and the worst part is high inflation impacts most the poorest in the country.