The government of India has made it mandatory to link your PAN card with Aadhaar Number. In case you do not do so by July 1, 2017 your PAN card would be invalid, which means you might not be able to file your tax returns. We had already written about How to link your PAN & Aadhaar if there was NO mismatch between the same. However there was linking issue in case the names did not match on PAN & Aadhar. Recently Income Tax Website has changed the linking form – so that it works for name mismatch cases too.
Step 1: Login to Income Tax efiling Website
Step 2: Select Profile Settings > Link Aadhaar
You get the below screen where you can fill in your Aadhaar Number and Name and submit “Link Aadhaar”
This would enable everyone with name mismatch to link there PAN card to Aadhaar number. However if you have problem with Date of Birth/gender mismatch you need to get it corrected in aadhaar/PAN.
Once this is done you would get an acknowledgement of the same as in the screen below.
Please ensure the Date of Birth; Gender & Aadhaar Number is as per Aadhaar details
If Name as per Aadhaar is not exactly matched then user has to additionally provide Aadhaar OTP or EVC to proceed with partial name match.
Once Aadhaar-PAN linking is completed, you can e-Verify your return using Aadhaar, if your mobile is registered with Aadhaar.
Also Read: Not able to Link PAN to Aadhaar – use offline method
Method 2: without login in income tax website
You can also link your PAN & Aadhaar without login in income tax website. Click here to go to the relevant page.
You’ll get the form below. Fill and submit it.
Method 3: Using SMS
Try linking PAN & Aadhaar using SMS as stated below
Some Issues:
At times some people are getting message “Technical Error at UIDAI. Please try again”. This may be due to overload on UADAI server. You can try after some time and you should be able to link your PAN to Aadhaar.
My friend pan and adhaar card name is same (Dhivya V ), not able link pan and adhaar, name is miss matched error occurred. Which one change ?
Sir, my acknowledgment no is 281859700001703,in my aadhar card my father’s actual name is pramod kumar chauhan. and in my pan card my father’s name is only pramod kumar, my father’s actual name is pramod kumar chauhan, I have given a application for corrections for the same, what should I do to link aadhar. With pan, tell me soon, thanks
There is no options available in the AADHAR PAN link page to request for a AADHAR OTP or linking with Partial name match…:-(
Sir,my acknowledgment no 281859700001563,and my date of birth is 01/07/1989,but my date of birth in aadhar card is correct and in my pan card date is 01/07/1987,what should I do to link aadhar card with pan, I have given a corrections application for the same. Pl tell me soon,thanks
You would need to get date of birth corrected in PAN and then link aadhaar.
Hi Amit Kumar,
pls help me out to get link pan and aadhar,my PAN AND AADHAR names are exactly same to same and matching. Even DOB and Gender but the same error appears that there is some mismatch in Name,DOB and Gender.
kindly do the needful,thanks in Advance.
My Name & Date of birth in Adharcrad and Pancard is not matching with each others
So how can i rectify this error ?
You’ll have to change details in either PAN or AAdhaar which ever is incorrect.
My date of birth, Gender are all same in pan and Aadhaar. My name in Pan is Mala Ramesh and in Aadhaar , it is Malaramesh. It is neither getting linked nor sends me any OTP. How to link pan and aadhaar now.
2 Ways – either change the name in PAN/AAdhaar or try offline method.