The government of India has made it mandatory to link your PAN card with Aadhaar Number. In case you do not do so by July 1, 2017 your PAN card would be invalid. We give you step by step instructions on how you can link your PAN card to Aadhaar.
The form has changed – Please click here to see the new process.
Step 1: Login to Income Tax efiling Website
Step 2: You get a Pop up to “Link your Aadhaar to PAN” as below
Below are the instructions on Income Tax Website:
1. Please verify if the Name, Date of Birth, Gender as per Aadhaar card matches the details as per your PAN data.
2. Income Tax Department will validate your Name, Date of Birth, Gender as per PAN and Aadhaar Number with UIDAI. Please note that if the details do not match, the Aadhaar Number will NOT be linked to your PAN.
3. Once the validation is successful, your Aadhaar will be successfully linked to your PAN.
Just fill in your Aadhaar Number and Captcha code and submit “Link Now”
In case you have closed this pop-up you can also get a similar screen for linking your Aadhaar and PAN. Just select Profile Settings > Link Aadhaar
You get the below screen where you can fill in your Aadhaar Number and Captcha code and submit “Link Aadhaar”
Once this is done you would get an acknowledgement of the same as in the screen below.
How to Link if your name is different in PAN and Aadhaar?
The above form has changed and now you can link aadhar & PAN even if there is difference in name in both.
The process is simple and easy for people having same name and other details on PAN Card and Aadhaar. But a lot of people have short names in one and full name in other. There are several such cases. The government is aware of these difficulties and planning to introduce OTP based verification for linking PAN and Aadhaar.
The other way around is to get your name changed in either of the document.
Do NRIs need to link PAN to Aadhaar?
As per the official notification from UIDAI, only resident Indians are eligible for Aadhaar.
So if you are NRI/PIO/OCI etc you need not worry about linking PAN to Aadhaar number.
I have been residing outside India for more than a year now and i do not have Aadhaar card. I will be filing my IT returns as usual before July 2017. But will my PAN card be automatically cancelled after July 2017 as i do noy have Aadhar to link it with? Also, how will the authorities know if i am an NRI or not? how can i prove my status as NRI without visiting India to do so?
When you file income tax return you need to choose NRI there. Moreover linking aadhaar is not applicable for NRIs as they are not eligible for aadhaar.
Nice information
There is issue of mismatch Date of Birth.
My original date of birth is 15/10/1987 while PAN Has 16/10/1987. Rest all documents has 15/10/1987
Now I have applied for correction in PAN. Is that right thing?
Yes thats the right approach