There have been changes in the free allowance and Custom Declaration Forms for people entering India. Now you need to declare if you are carrying Indian currency of more than Rs 25,000 – earlier the limit was Rs 10,000.
Also all passengers of Indian Origin or foreigners living in India for more than 10 years can now bring goods worth Rs 45,000. Earlier this limit was Rs 35,000. However people traveling from China, Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar can only get duty free goods up to Rs 6,000.
The new rules have cut the duty free allowance of tobacco related products by half. As per new rules you can get 100 sticks of cigarettes, 25 cigars and 150 gms of tobacco as duty free. Earlier this allowance was 200 number of cigarettes, 50 cigars and 250 gms of tobacco.
The new Custom declaration Form also has space to declare any flat panel TV (LCD, LED, Plasma) being brought by you. This is in addition to the declaration about dutiable and prohibited goods, gold jewellery and bullion (over free allowance), satellite phone and foreign currency notes exceeding USD 5,000 or equivalent.
The passengers also need to mention about meat, meat products, fish, dairy and poultry products, seeds, plants, fruits, flowers, other planting material in the existing customs form.